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Software Engineers

1. Suggested Software

You will need a software package that allows you to do electronic consent, some Hospital Trusts may already have software that you can access, so contact you IT department to check. Additionally check with your IT department before purchasing any software, as it will have to be approved by them for use in your workplace. 

Click on the picture on the left, to see what software packages were used as part of our pilot project. 

2. Essential equipment 

You will need to ensure that your department has the correct equipment for electronic consent, likewise you will need to ensure your patients also have the correct equipment when offering them this method of consenting to a research study.

Click on the picture on the right, for advice on what equipment you need.

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3. Legal information 

Through the work done within our pilot project, we developed an awareness of the legal guidelines and approval processes that needed to be in place for using electronic consent within research studies.

Click on the picture on the left to find out more about this. 

Advice for getting started

Below is a practical guide with advice on what you will need to have in place to be able to use and embed electronic consent within your department

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